Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Brief Meditation - Isaiah 62:1-5 "Hephzibah" (My Joy Is In You.)

Brief Meditation - Isaiah 62:1-5 "Hephzibah" (My Joy Is In You.)

** In God's people's eyes, the redemption period didn't dawn since after the exilic period.
The promise of redemption written in Isaiah(down from 40) was certainly not come to pass. Especially the details written of the redemption period to come forth still did not come to pass.

But faith is like this,
'to them crying in the hardships had Yahweh God granted them salvation. Faith is to acknowledge and endure that God lives and acts in the history only in that process of redemption' (See the Exodus 2:23-25)

The Isaiah 61:1-3 is proclaimed again in the Luke 4:16 through reinterpretation.
Though not in the prophet's period, Isaiah's proclamation has eventually been fulfilled through perdurable vitality, which can be told.

The reason why we repeat studying Israeli history through sermon is so that we shall learn their 'perdurable vitality' through the history of hardship that Israel suffered.
For, it is only in the process in which Israel prolongs its vitality with perdurability that we can learn that God of life acts in the history through His word.

The Bible works for us to learn in the middle of principle of dynamics and principle of paradox. What is important is, today's text has influence on up to us through the history of 'reinterpretation.'

If a kingdom of priests or a chosen generation(comparison between Exodus 19:6 and 1 Peter 2:9-10) applies to each of you, the 'Hephzibah' among words of today's text the Isaiah 62:1-5 can be interpreted as 'my joy is in you' to dear you.

Dear everybody! You are the chosen people. Please be proud to be yourself the people of the kingdom!
From 'My Joy Is In You.' Text P.178-179

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