Sunday, July 31, 2005

Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers”...Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers”...Sermon on the Mount

(The Savior, Dear God Hiding Behind Us! )

** Important to Jesus religion are
"not formality of religion but content,"
"not perfunctory justice but love,"
"not theory but practice."
After all, we have been taught that peace is not words but action of peace, not dogmatic instruction but human life itself.

However active women's movement is in 21st century, in reality the world order has been ruled through masculine theories of ruling such as violence, submission, performance(effect), command or ideology in most global areas so far as today.

Human history has the end at the end.
Matthew 5:9 says, 'Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.' Even if it is the Sermon on the Mount that was neither achieved nor will hereafter by human race, we may hand down the way, the truth and the life to the descendants only by the time when we have this spirit as a fundamental principle of human world.

In fact, it is the most important that Christians, Muslims, advanced countries, under-developed countries, haves, have-nots, normal persons, handicapped ones,..everybody gathers together into a world for ourselves.

We have come to a point where it should be remembered that the peacemakers - the children of God - cannot be practical history-transmitters and life-imparters until everybody meets together to make the peace ourselves not as you or me, which is the project remaining to current human race that we must consider.

The word 'we' includes as far as the future and posterity concepts. In order to touch on future and posterity, we should previously treat of 'war,' 'economy,'..problems together with the words, 'environmental pollution,' 'natural resources shortage' and such.'

'The Savior, Dear God Hiding Behind Us!' is the sermon collection that tried to be treated of these problems lying in humans.

* The inside visit my personal homepage.

God, Human and Church - prelude

God, Human and Church - prelude

Human life doesn't mean today.
Man cannot tell history until he is on the belief that ‘there was yesterday, is today and will be tomorrow too.'

21 century should be the time when the three words I, you and we are balanced and harmonized according to the 'global age.' And in so being, these three words should prevail over and be encouraged in all areas of human life as well as theology. This dreamer-like belief is what I have.

I think culture is a product of the times and the key that draws the times at the same time. Because of that, I think it is natural to emphasize historical mind, social consciousness, contemporary situation, reinterpretation, meaningful delivery and application in the sermon that leads Christianity culture.

Only if so, the audience can have the rightful spirit of the Good News planted, and can transmit 'their history of human personality, their history made by humans and their environment connecting the human history' down to the descendents of tomorrow. With this in mind, I am writing down this exclusive sermon of mine.
From Text P.8-9

**My one, is my personal homepage that I helped make, so that people might think over the fixed ideas that they have believed to be common sense about religion / theology / God and human / Christianity / sermon / education / handicapped person ,... which have been commonly accepted so far.